What is a house concert?
Put simply, a house concert is a concert in a house. It’s a private, invitation-only, not-for-profit concert in a home or other small, private venue. It is typically held indoors for 20-50 guests who contribute a donation to attend the show. This intimate setting allows us to get to know our audience, and it allows concert-goers to hear the music up-close and to truly be part of the show.
A house concert usually includes snacks/drinks provided by the host, and/or or a potluck dinner where all of the guests pitch in.
Why we love doing house concerts
House concerts are a wonderful way for us to connect directly with our fans and offer them a unique evening of entertainment in a comfortable setting where the audience is there to listen to the music, not to party or talk to their friends (that can come later!).
Can I host a house concert?
Do you have a room in your home that can seat 20 people or more? If not, is there a suitable venue nearby that you can use (community hall, grange, art gallery, barn)? If you answered either of those questions in the affirmative, then yes, you can! One of the great things about house concerts is that they’re intimate. You’d be surprised how many people you can fit if you move some furniture around.
Whatever space you decide on, you’ll need to set up the room so there’s space up front for us and our instruments, and chairs arranged in rows facing us. Then, set up some snacks, drinks, and space for dishes if you’re having a potluck, and you’re good to go!
But there’s still one thing missing: an audience. You’ll need to spread the word to get people to your event. You can send private invitations by e-mail or create a Facebook event, and you can also ask friends to help publicize it. If the event is in your home, it’s a good idea not to give out your address until people respond to the invitation.
Do I need a sound system?
If the concert setting is indoors in a relatively small space (like a normal-sized living room), probably not. Larger spaces and outdoor venues do require some sound reinforcement. We’ll be happy to advise you on that.
How much does it cost?
If you’re interested in hosting Sol y Canto, get in touch with us and we’ll figure out the minimum guaranteed amount we would need to clear. This varies depending on location and the number of musicians you request. In order to raise the minimum amount, you can structure the admission fees however you want. We do ask that you agree to make up the difference if admissions are less than the guarantee. If you’re unsure about how much to charge for admission, we’d be happy to consult with you.
How do I handle donations?
If you ask for a suggested donation, we recommend encouraging people to pre-pay (good options are PayPal, Venmo or check) before the show date, and keeping a list of reservations. You can set up a table at the entrance with a volunteer to check people off the list and to collect donations from those who haven’t paid in advance.
Will hosting Sol y Canto make me the coolest person on my block?
Yes. Definitely.
How can I make this happen?
Just send us an e-mail to info@site1.webdnx.net or call us at 617-492-1515.